
Showing posts from June, 2024

Everything Everywhere All At Once is Absurd!

     Alright, so I finally got around to watching Everything Everywhere All At Once a couple of days ago and first impressions… wow… what a weird fucking movie. But definitely not weird in a bad way, I guess. The storyline is fairly easy to follow along, and the acting is absolutely incredible. I can see why this movie has received so many Oscars.      From the moment Key Huy Quan’s character Waymond Wong eats an entire stick of lip balm, in order to access the martial arts abilities of one of his counterparts in the multiverse before he absolutely dominates in a fight scene against some IRS security guards using only his fanny pack as a weapon…. Absurdity comes to mind. If felt like a fight scene straight out of a Jackie Chan movie. Shanghai Noon to be more specific. If was awesome and funny and oh so weird. But wait there’s more… the Protagonist Evalyn Wang a little while later while still trying to make her way out of the IRS building ends up trying to...
  Movie Trailer Analysis: Stalag 17(1953)                Movie trailers can either make or break a film’s success at the box office. Who hasn’t gone to the movies and enjoyed the thrill of 15 or so minutes of previews before the feature presentation. I would argue that the best part of going to the movies is the previews. I mean, unless you are some kind of sociopath that arrives 15 min late for something they paid to see. I would go as far to say that on some occasions the previews looked better than the film I was there to see. Movie trailers get people excited and either entice them or sway them away. A “bad” trailer can be the death of an otherwise good movie. The movie trailer created by Movies TV Network for “ Stalag 17 ” is very well done. ( Stalag 17 - Trailer - Movies TV Network - YouTube ) At just 59 seconds, it encompasses everything you need to know about the movie before watching it without giving away to many details...
 Moonlight (2016) ….Wow what a film… If you happen to be among those of us who somehow let this film slip through the void, that was the madness of the 2016 presidential election; take a seat on your couch, wrap yourself up in your favorite blanket, grab some…oh so unhealthy chocolate bars (Milka Mmmmax  was my choice), and with a box of tissues at the ready, divest your sole attention to this must watch drama. At just 111-minute run time, this film packs a lot in. When the credits began to roll, I wasn’t ready for the story to end just yet. I needed more! The film, although really, really good, deserved at least another half hour for such an emotional story.                The theme that kept popping into my mind as I was watching it, and long after was the all too real perpetuation of cycles that affect so many people. whether by “choice” or unfortunate circumstance. Chiron (played by Trevante Rhodes, As...